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How a lighthouse completely changed the direction of my business

Date: Mar 26, 2022
Woman sitting in front of laptop being overwhelmed with yellow sticky notes everywhere

It all started with a dream of a lighthouse…

Back in 2011, I had a very vivid yet strange dream. So vivid, that I actually drew an image of what I had seen. The picture showed the light of a lighthouse from inside the tower. You could look out through the windows in every direction and see calm water.

The light itself wasn’t actually a light, it was a walnut lying on its side. In the dream, I felt the need to build a wooden frame for it to bring it back upright and secure it. The walnut itself was very special, as it was an amulet that you could open. Inside it held the most beautiful amber heart. I titled the image ‘The Space around my Heart’.

Once I was done drawing it, I realized that I recognized the shape of the heart inside the walnut as an actual piece of heart-shaped amber I had since I was a kid. I rummaged through some drawers and when I found it, I was amazed to see that the size I drew in my picture matched the amber heart perfectly. I remember being stunned, but eventually put it aside and didn’t think about it for a while.

Drawing of a Dream about a lighthouse

The Space Around My Heart (2011)
© Jill Bucher

A few years later I stumbled across a photo online. It was a picture taken from within a lighthouse, with windows all around looking out on calm water and right in the middle of the photo was the amber light. I was instantly reminded of that dream I had, so I saved the image. ‘What a fun coincidence’, I thought. And did nothing further with it for a while.

© Chris Mills (@gannetrock1831);
posted with permisson

Finding my Lighthouse

Then in 2013, while I was living in Vancouver, BC, I somehow got the urge to find that photo again. I found it on my computer and luckily, I hadn’t changed the original file name. I googled the name and found out that the lighthouse in that picture used to be located in British Columbia on Galiano Island, only a ferry ride away from my location at the time. The lighthouse was unfortunately not there anymore, but I still ended my year in Canada on the little island that used to house it. And I thought that this was it, the final destination of my lighthouse journey.


While reading ‘Light is the new Black’ by Rebecca Campbell in 2020, I stumbled across a quote by Anne Lamott. The quote was

‘Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save, they just stand there shining.’

I felt weirdly connected to this quote, but I didn’t have a slightest clue what this would mean for me or my business some day. 

Finding Myself

A little later I bought a beautiful oracle deck called the Lightseer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne. As I was flipping through the cards, I stopped at the Hermit card. I was mesmerized by it and couldn’t look away for quite a while. The Hermit is my personality card (if you’re into tarot, you’ll know what that means), but with all the other tarot decks I’ve seen, it never fully resonated with me. Until I found this deck and this card. I finally felt fully seen. The person in this picture was not only a woman, but she was sitting high up and she was … shining … just like a lighthouse.

The Light Seer's Tarot - The Hermit

Card by Chris-Anne (@pixiecurio);
Photo by Jill Bucher

In that moment, all the lighthouse pieces connected and I knew that this is at the core of who I am and what I need to do.

In August of 2021 I first posted about that quote and what it means to me and I’ve been aligning my business ever since.

Now, in March of 2022, I’ve completely shifted how I do business and I’m excited for my new offers. All inspired by a crazy dream and some weird coincidences, lighthouses and lots of shining.

A Message From Me to You

A Message From Me to You

Hi, I’m Jill — a highly sensitive and introverted entrepreneur, just like you might be. Over the years, I’ve learned how important it is to create a business that feels aligned with who we are—one that supports not only our goals but also our energy and well-being. Through my work guiding and supporting entrepreneurs for almost a decade, and my personal journey into embodiment and seasonal living, I’ve found a gentler, more intuitive way to thrive in business without burning out.

I’m here to help you embrace your sensitivity as a strength, honor your unique rhythm, and build a business that feels like it truly fits you. Together, we’ll create something sustainable, nourishing, and deeply aligned with your values and gifts.

Thanks for being here—you’re in exactly the right place.